I have a deep compassion for every person in the world, no matter who you are, and what you struggle with, I want to help you empower yourself, find your answers, and fulfil your dreams.
I was born into a farming family, and I am proud to say that I still adore a days manual work, and putting some earth on my hands. My childhood years were spent playing and working, on the land, with the animals, and on the building sites of our growing farm. It was here that I learnt, from my direct experience, about all the most basic aspects of life, how we are fundamentally dependant on our environment and it's health, how life is created, how it is fragile, how we create the food that sustains us, and how we build our infrastructure. Ultimately I saw how we bring everything together to create a happy and functional way of life. It is this experience that has made me a simple working man, and grounded me in the base truths of life, throughout everything I have gone on to do.
I experienced a relentless desire, which began at three years old, to understand and solve all the problems we all face in life, to empower myself, and ultimately all others. In my adulthood, I have sought to broaden my experience as widely as possible, with a training in science, running my manufacturing and construction businesses, an independent study of politics, economics, psychology, spirituality, and many other fields. I have travelled widely, seeing the poorest to the richest, lived with different cultures, experience a full range of natural environments, and had many extremes of human experience. I understand what it is like to struggle desperately, I have experienced mental health challenges, poverty, crime, and many other challenges. I have married and divorced, and I know the deep pain of loosing a child, as I only have contact with one of my two children. I have a degree in Physics from Oxford University, which I use to bring logic and a rigorous scientific approach to all my political policies, along with intuitive and creative approaches, and I work closely with my partner and deputy leader Rosie Morrell. I describe myself as a polymath, I believe everyone, and everything is of value, and as a result I have an obsession with studying and experiencing life as broadly as possible. My life long quest to understand human behaviour, all of life, and how to resolve the difficulties we face, has ultimately lead me into politics and to set up my own radical political party, which seeks to reconstruct all of society from the ground up. I am passionate about all my parties policies, and they are uncompromising designed to meet our mission, To Empower Everyone, Solve Everything, and Fulfil Every Dream.
To find out more about my personal life and business & life coaching work, visit
For my YouTube channel see: Every 1 is God - YouTube

Rosie will be the first sex worker ever in British politics to be a MP if she wins her seat. She is a powerful force for empowering women, and healing all people.
Rosie has a background in psychology, secondary school teaching, and therapy. She has a degree in psychology and advanced qualifications in Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Reiki, she is also a spiritual channel, and has practiced in these therapies since 2014. She has always had an interest in sexual therapy, and specialises in this area. She had a very unconventional upbringing, in poverty and near slum conditions, and has had experiences of sexual and physical abuse from people outside of her family, as a child. In 2019 she took the somewhat bold step of adding online sexual therapy and performance to the therapy services she offers, a role that has lead to research into sexual behaviour, and a much greater understanding of human psychology.
She is passionate about empowering all people, and brings her deep knowledge of psychology to politics, in order to understand the deeper issues that are driving all the underlying problems we have in Britain. She acts as an advisor to the party leader Marcus White, and helps to guide him in all his work.
To find out more about her therapy work, visit
To find out more about her therapy and sex work, visit: - RosieSexTherapist 40yo Bi-curious Female (Webcam Phone Sex Alternative) Dorset, South West