Aims of our policy.
To ensure that ​that every job should be fully valued and respected.
To set a minimum wage that meets all the basic costs of life, and allows enough disposable income to enjoy life fully.
To ensure a fair distribution of wealth which encourages balance throughout the entire labour market.
To ensure everyone understands how to manage their money, wealth, and the risks to it.
To ensure everyone feels abundant, and comfortable with the amount they earn.
Current unresolved issues.
It might seem a strange thing to say, but we actually have to learn how to be and feel abundant with money in our lives.
The perception of being short of money is complex, and is dependant on many factors other than how much we earn.
Because of this, earning enough money to comfortably pay our bills, and provide disposable income, does not necessarily mean people will feel financially comfortable, or abundant. For example many higher earners have much higher levels of responsibility, stress, and/or financial risk, especially those that run their own businesses. They may worry about their risk, and the unpredictable nature of their income, and feel very 'poor' at times. Higher earners quite often take on large mortgages, and have more expensive lifestyles, which can leave them very short of money to pay living costs, if for example interest rates suddenly go up. Similar issues can apply to many lower and middle earners who may not have such large mortgages or lifestyles, but are still exposed to interest rate risk, not to mention other cost of living risks.
On the other hand there are those that choose to live very simply, and may have very low incomes but feel abundant in that they have a wealth of time, low levels of stress and risk in their life, and a feeling of deep happiness; the good life as it is sometimes called (and explored in a classic sitcom!). My own experience reflects both these points as for the first four years of running my my business I was earning and living entirely from a wage that equated roughly to one third of the minimum wage, yet I did not in general feel poor at these times. Whereas now although I earn considerably more, I am exposed to significant, and potentially debilitating financial risks, through the nature of my business, which causes me quite strong feelings of financial uncertainty and worry at times.
We are not suggesting that there is not a relationship between how much we earn, and how wealthy we feel, but rather that it is very much more complex than this. What is very rarely, if ever talked about, is that the roots of the whole experience of poverty, does not lie in how much we earn, or the cost of living forces that we are exposed to, they lie in the way we were brought up, educated, and the way we manage our lives and money as a result of this.
To try and explain this simply, imagine two different upbringings for two children which we shall call Jack and Jill. Jack is brough up by parents who do not enjoy their jobs, are are not very good at managing their money. They sometimes complain about their work, and how they are short of money in front of Jack. They are stressed, and lacking in energy to spend quality time with Jack, they do not encourage him to seek work that he enjoys, rather they show him that work is hard, and results in a lack of money. Jack also receives little education at school regarding careers, money management, and how to fulfil himself.
Gill on the other hand, has parents who love their work and are good at managing their money. They regularly talk excitedly about their work in front of Jill, and involve her in the conversations. The are happy in their lives and feel an energy and enthusiasm for spending time with Jill; they encourage her to explore everything in life, and seek a career that she loves. From a young age, they involve her and educate her in how to manage money, and this starts with a game of giving her fun jobs to do, giving her a little pocket money in return, and encouraging her to consider carefully what things she wants to buy, while at the same time saving a little money also. At school Jill has enthusiastic teachers, who encourage her similarly, and also comprehensively educate her in careers, money management, risk, economics, business, and how to fulfil herself, throughout her entire school career.
We hope that this makes things clearer. Jack is far more likely not to enjoy his work, not to understand risk, and how to manage his money, and to end up feeling and being poor and unhappy in life. He will more likely not be able to save money, and always be a risk of not meeting his basic costs in life as a result. Jill on the other hand is likely to experience exactly the opposite of these things, as she feels a deep sense of well being, motivation and excitement in life, and knows how to manage and build wealth and happiness from the money she earns, while at the same time protect herself from the inevitable risks and uncertainties of life. Whatever she wants in life, be it simpler, or greater, she will have a deep belief in herself, and be entrepreneurial in her approach to achieving it.
There is something much deeper going on in society, in regard to the common difficulties we have with our money management, and that is the psychology of poverty, and spending addictions. This psychology has it's roots in the very earliest times of our up brining, and how much love and physical affection we receive from our parents. This problem is something that is common throughout our country and the world, and it is a psychological understanding that is crucial to solving the issues with lack of wealth that we have. This problem is increased by our culture of consumerism and the near obsession we have with the idea that more is always better. This idea is deeply imbedded in our modern western culture, and pervades much of the world, causing huge dissatisfaction in society, and financial difficulties. It is an idea that needs challenging, and replacing with the idea that acquiring only the things that you really want in your heart is what creates the feeling of abundance we all seek, rather than always wanting more, which results in feeling unsatisfied. All of these factors conspire to cause a situation where many people struggle to save any money at all. This leads to much greater financial uncertainty, as if unexpected bills come in, such as higher interest rates, a car breakdown, or job loss, there is no money to fall back on, potentially causing many problems and ultimately homelessness. How to resolve all of these issues will be extensively taught throughout education, along with a full understanding of our psychology.
In addition therefore, to inadequate minimum wages, there are other fundamental factors that create the experience of poverty, and we list all these unresolved issues as follows:
Inadequate minimum wage to cover the costs of living and provide reasonable disposable income.
Children not always being encouraged and educated by parents, and at school, how to enjoy work, manage money, and risk.
Lack of understanding and education in business, economics, and how to be entrepreneurial.
Lack of understanding of the psychology of poverty.
Difficulties with spending addiction, saving money, high financial uncertainty as a result, potentially leading to many problems.
A modern culture of consumerism and more is always better, which is not generally challenged or corrected, and ultimately promotes the experience of poverty.
Lack of motivation in the work place, and depressed workforce, who do not feel abundant.
Our Policy - How it resolves the issues and achieves the aims.
We hope the discussion above makes our policy more understandable. There are four essential elements to the experience of having abundant wealth in life, and as we have tried to emphasize, none of these ingredients is huge or unlimited sums of money. They are as follows:
An upbringing which is at all ages, secure, loving, and promotes a positive view of work and money.
Passion and enthusiasm for work.
An adequate wage to cover living expenses and a reasonable disposable income.
Good money management.
The minimum wage will be calculated on the basis of working a 40 hour week, and from this being able to meet all the basic costs of living and enjoying life. These costs would include buying a home, paying all bills, tax, pension, NI, and disposable income needs.
However having adequate money does not ensure that it is spent wisely, or that it delivers the experience of abundance and fulfilment that we all naturally want. This can only come about by a deeper understanding of money management, and connecting with your heart; the things we really want to do with our money and our lives. In order to empower people, such that they are completely in command of their money management and worldly fulfilment, we will then empower everyone with the knowledge of how to create abundance from their income for themselves. This is done firstly through our parenting policy which facilitates, encourages, and educates parents to financial and vocationally empower their children, then similarly during schooling throughout which a full understanding of the psychology and the practicality of managing money will be thoroughly taught. Finally all of this is backed up by, reinforced by, and developed throughout the rest of adult life, with our open source adult education policy, see below for links to all these polices.
Wellbeing and costs benefits of our policies.
Wealth, enjoying work, knowing how to manage money, and well being all go hand in hand. All of these areas would be greatly improved by our policies. Ultimately we believe that if all our policies are adopted, it is possible to double GDP, and this could be achieved with a tenfold decrease in the stress of the working environment, and a tenfold increase in the wellbeing and purpose of human life. The combined effect of all our policies is that they would eliminate the experience of poverty, and create a state of abundance and wellbeing for everyone, a primary goal that Everyone is God is committed to achieving.
Supporting policies.
Everyone is Intelligent Policy
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