If you are passionate about our values and policies, and you want to donate to the party, please note the following: There are strict statutory rules we have to follow in order to receive donations which depend on a number of factors such as the size of the donation. For donations of £50 or less these can be made online directly to the bank details below. For donations over £50 please message us on our contact form, and tick the donate box. We will message you back with the information we need before accepting donations. Thank you so much!
Bank: Lloyds Bank
Account name: Everyone is God
Account no: 39726868
Sort code: 30-92-69
There are other ways you can support us or get involved:
Vote for us on the 4th July. You can vote for Marcus White (Marcus Daniel Terence White) in the constituency of West Dorset, and Rosie Morrell (Rosie Frisby Morrell) in the constituency of South Dorset.
Become a member.
Become a campaigner or a volunteer for us. Do you want to campaign for us, offer us some of your time, or can you help us with advice?
Become a candidate. We are looking for new candidates in all constituencies across Britain, other than Northern Ireland.
Give us your feedback and comments on our policies or anything else, we welcome your views.
For any enquiries please fill out our contact form, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Thank you!